Friday, June 3, 2011

Skirt steak, mahi, eggs

rice, quinoa, potatoes, garlic, salad, cucumbers, tomatoes. And more! Oh wifi, just wait until you are once again mine.


Regina said...

I just stumbled onto your blog and wonder if you ever post recipes or how to make this drool-worthy dinners?

Unknown said...

sounds like a 5 course dinner. I love it all ! Nothing better than a marinated skirt steak. Only have mahi when on vacation in Maui. Eggs for breakfast and for salads. Just discovered quinoa. It is now one of my favorite side dishes for chicken.


Heather said...

Thank you for commenting, Regina and Steven! Steven, your blog recipes are wonderful; Regina, if I cooked in any other than a very basic way I'd give recipes; mostly I'm making it up as I go along. But have you seen Steven's blog?