Diligent readers of this blog will remember the six inches or so of this sweater I posted months ago. Voila! the finished object. I am pleased. It owes its excellent fit entirely to Anna, whose blog can be found to your right under "Anna's Flying Needles." In a move typical of knit-blogger generosity, she wrote out complete directions, down to the stitch, for re-sizing the pattern (which had as its smallest size a size that was too big). A shout out to Anna, herewith. For interested parties: I used Addi turbos in 6 and 8, and four balls of Rowan Calmer, in Drift. The pattern is by Nora Gaughan, in
Knitting Nature.
That looks great! Is that your tiny torso? I am starting to feel like a stalker, seeing as how I stop by your blog almost every day, but don't communicate anything back to you. Your food writing is reminding me of Geoffrey Steingarten's (sp?). Also, Hutch has done something to our computer, which makes certain parts of your blog get automattically translated into cyrillic.
Beautiful. I am incredibly enthusiastic about my teacher's knitting. I will be eyeing that tank with very green eyes.
Okay, Heather, now I'm even MORE intimidated about picking up those needles and learning how to use them!
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