Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Nice wild King salmon, for only about, oooh, a squillion dollars a pound. *So* delicious. We had it with brown rice and roasted butternut squash, kohlrabi, and garlic. Butternut squash: the vegetable of kings. You know how you look at one of them, and it seems so big and resistant and you think, "screw it, I'm steaming broccoli tonight"? It is so worth just cutting the sucker up into little pieces, dousing them with olive oil and salt, and sticking them into a 400 degree oven for about an hour, or until it's all browned on the bottom. Eat the leftovers cold the next day, or put them in an omelette with ricotta cheese. It's the dish that just won't quit being outrageously good.

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