Saturday, November 17, 2007

Deep-Dish Blueberry-Cranberry Internet Pie

No really—that's the name of the recipe in The Pie and Pastry Bible. Supposedly it is the first pie recipe to appear on the internet, though how you'd verify that, I don't know. In any case, who cares? This is a great pie, with all the tartness and juiciness that mean "pie" to me. I used my new wonder-crust which, by the way, you can find at under "Foolproof Pie Crust." It's worth the trip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alas, To get the recipe not just the very interesting details about why vodka istead of water is the liquid one wants to use for making dough rollable, you have to become a member of Cooks Illustrated. But when I MUST have great pie crust, I will know where to go.
