Thursday, September 13, 2007

Grilled Salmon

with brown rice, roasted cauliflower, and tomatoes.


avb said...

Tell me about this roasted cauliflower...what do you do to it?

Heather said...

I chop up a head, dump it in a heavy pan, sprinkle generously with olive oil and roast at 400 degrees until the bottom is mahogany. It can't be beat; a friend of mine does it in a cast iron skillet, which I want to try (I ususally use enamelled cast iron). Eat with lots of salt.

Naunihal said...

Ah, you sprinkle with olive oil, I actually toss the whole thing in a plastic container until it is coated. You might want to try sesame oil or a nuttier oil; I also use a dash of chili sauce.

What brown rice do you use? I finally got Rad to eat brown rice; I usually only go for the Lundberg farms short grain brown rice, and I add a bit of veg bullion to it.

Heather said...

Ooh--Lundberg Farms. I love their regular brown, but also I love their colorful blends (which I usually blend with each other, making them that much prettier). Brown rice is the key to everything, in my opinion; I got serious about whole grains when I needed to lose the baby weight hte first time around, and now I don't know how I got by without them.